All Fair Trade fans in the east of our beautiful county will want to visit Near and Fair.
Near and Fair are a family owned independent fair trade shop based in Hull’s historic Trinity Market Arcade, selling ethically sourced gifts, clothing, and groceries from around the world.
They are registered with the British Association of Fair Trade Shops (BAFTS).
Check out the website: Near and Fair
Posted on January 24th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Fairtrade Fortnight 21 Feb – 06 March is a time to stand up for the producers of our food, drink, clothes etc who are overworked, underpaid and often exploited. If you would like an activity to do during this fortnight then please consider the 90kg Rice Challenge. Get your family, friends, neighbours and community involved and see how many bags of rice you can sell in order to help small holder farmers in Malawi work their way out of poverty with dignity and empower them to provide a secondary education for their children.
Take the 90kg rice challenge
Posted on January 24th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News