Fairtrade and Local Craft Fair
Saturday 5th March 10am to 4pm at the Friends’ Meeting House in Greengate, Malton
Free Entry
Local crafts, cards, decorations, pottery, weaving, basketry
Craft demonstrations
Fairly Traded goods
Fair Trade refreshments
Posted on February 20th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News
Pocklington FLAG (Pocklington Fairtrade and Local produce Action Group) is hosting a Fairtrade & Climate Change Virtual Coffee Morning via Zoom at which we will be considering the issue of climate change and the part we can all play in addressing it. There will be a brief introduction about Fairtrade and why it is so important. The proprietor of our local ‘I Love Zero’ shop will also talk to us about how she came to open her shop and what we can do to reduce our own impact on the climate. There will be a short film about how to be a more ethical consumer, and time for discussion and chatting. We are grateful for the support of our MP Sir Greg Knight for this event.
Our event will take place on Saturday 5th March from 10am until noon.
Please book your place via Eventbrite on the following link:
Posted on February 20th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

We will be using the knitted tree bands we made last year around the trunks of the trees on the High Street. Water Street and Greatwood Primary schools will be decorating two railings around the young trees with messages to world leaders and politicians urging them to keep the promises made in Glasgow, and messages to passers-by that choosing Fairtrade is choosing to tackle the climate crisis.
On Saturday 6th March there will be a Fairtrade stall in Holy Trinity Church at the top of the High Street from 10am to 3pm when we will be promoting local Fair Trade businesses – Namaste, Whitakers chocolates and From the Source.
Embsay with Eastby
Monday 21st February – Fairtrade chocolate cake will be served at ‘Making Waves’, the village weekly community café and this year’s promotional leaflets will be given to every customer. We are also going to be raising money for Traidcraft Exchange by using their ‘Find the Queen Bee’ game.
Saturday 26th February – There will be a coffee morning with a Fairtrade stall in the village Institute Hall from 10am to 12. To link with this year’s theme the village Library is going to display a selection of books on the environment and sustainability, which will include Skipton author, Katie Daynes’s book, “Can we really help the polar bears” published by Usborne last September.
Monday 28th February – Another chance to promote Fairtrade at ‘Making Waves’. Café profits for both Mondays in FT Fortnight will be given to Traidcraft Exchanges’s Big Brew
Shrove Tuesday 1st March – Fairtrade banana pancakes will be served from 12 to 2pm in the Cavendish Pub in the village and once again in the evening from 5.30pm to 7pm.
The primary school will be decorating the railings around the elm tree in the centre of Embsay village with messages and pledges.
Posted on February 20th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News
An online event organised by Africaniwa (based in Halifax) and sponsored by Fairtrade Yorkshire

Join us for an online evening of story telling, music and art with the Africaniwa tribe from the UK, Ghana and around the world. Renowned musician, Richard Wiafe (pictured) is one of the featured artists.
Here is the link to register:
https://us06web.zoom.us/ meeting/register/ tZwkcu2qrj8vHtBIvUYovEGcWSg1gO Duzjcl
Most people who grow the cocoa that goes to make our favourite chocolate bars can’t afford to buy the fruits of their labours. Too often the cocoa beans are whisked off to the coast and sent off in ships to be processed in Europe. Children of cocoa farmers deserve better jobs in cocoa growing areas so they can stay with their families. And you can help.
Africaniwa are raising funds for a landmark project to incorporate cocoa processing into the curriculum of basic schools in cocoa growing communities in Ghana using Tarkwa Breman Girls School in the Western Region as pilot.
The pilot is expected to involve 6 staff and 210 pupils. We are working with a chocolate maker in Accra to deliver training to the teachers. Some of the pupils and teachers will be joining us live from Ghana on the evening to share their experiences and hopes for the project.
Throughout the evening you will have an opportunity to find out about the project and contribute to the fundraiser. We hope you enjoy hearing our story and if you are able, we’d be very grateful if you could help us raise funds to support the teachers and students in this vocational education programme.
Posted on February 6th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News
Fairtrade Fortnight webinar with Shared Interest’s Kodzo Korkortsi
Join Kodzo Korkortsi – Foundation Manager at the Shared Interest Foundation live from Ghana as we explore the challenges faced by cocoa farmers in the region.
Tuesday February 22nd, 2022 11:00 AM
Learn what it’s like to farm cocoa in a time of climate change and how we can support the industry and keep up our supply of our favourite Fairtrade chocolate
Here is the link to register:
Posted on February 6th, 2022 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News