Bradford Cathedral has been commended by the Fairtrade Foundation with the confirmation of its status as a ‘Fairtrade Church.’

This is valid for the next two years, the Cathedral having held the status since 2007.
Mike de Villiers of the Cathedral’s EcoGroup says:
“The Fairtrade Foundation has recognised Bradford Cathedral as a Fairtrade church, which recognises us for the Fairtrade products that we offer and our promotion of Fairtrade.”
The Revd Ned Lunn, Canon for Intercultural Mission and the Arts, says:
“We’re delighted that once again we have been awarded Fairtrade Church status.”
“This recognises the sustained passion and commitment Bradford Cathedral has shown over the years to seeking to live equitably with brothers and sisters across the globe as an expression of God’s justice and love for all people.”
Posted on March 26th, 2023 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News
To celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight, members of York Fair Trade Forum gave away Fairtrade bananas in the city centre. But Yorkshire weather can threaten the best laid plans and the bananas were pedalled into the city during a snowstorm. Amazingly, bang on the stroke of noon when the giveaway was due to start, the snow stopped.

Although the conditions weren’t the best for having an outdoor chat, several passers-by did stop to learn more about fair trade. Lots of leaflets about York as a Fairtrade city, as well as free copies of the Forum’s booklet ‘Fair’s Fair’, were handed out. The five hardy volunteers distributed all the bananas to grateful snackers – though it was suggested that Fairtrade hot chocolate would have been more suitable given the temperature!
The Fairtrade bananas were kindly donated by local branches of Waitrose and Sainsbury’s.
Posted on March 26th, 2023 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Baildon Northgate Co-op hosted a Fairtrade Stall from March 3rd to 11th . Members of the Fairtrade group handed out a newly designed postcard and pointed out Fairtrade’s assistance for farmers in protecting their environment and the integrity of the natural world.

There was also a display in the local library and talks for all 4 Primary Schools and 3 uniformed groups.
On Saturday 25 February there was a Fairtrade stall at Baildon Farmers Market selling goods as well as distributing information.

Posted on March 26th, 2023 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News