Fairtrade Settle is celebrating the putting up of two Fairtrade Town signs in prominent places: on Skipton Road and close to the Football Ground.

Fairtrade Community signs erected in Settle. Photo by Tim Smith.
The variety of Fair Trade goods available in the town has been greatly increased by the establishment of a regular Fair Trade stall. This is held on the last Wednesday of every month at St John’s Methodist Church. Melanie, Chair of Fairtrade Settle describes the new sale as “a great initiative.”
Mark Dawson, of Fairtrade Yorkshire comments “Fairtrade Settle is Yorkshire’s newest Fairtrade Town and it’s great to see them hit the ground running,”
There’s certainly no settling down. Fairtrade Settle are on the up.
Posted on February 23rd, 2025 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News
Fairtrade Footballs from Bala Sport are back

There’s a choice of three balls to choose from and two are available in sizes 4 and 5. The Club Match Football, only available in size 5, is £29.95. The Team ball costs £21.95, and the Play Training ball is £16.95. A 15% premium has been paid on every ball to the producers Bola Goma based in Sialkot, Pakistan, but as yet the balls are not certified Fairtrade. The aim is to certify future production once enough profit has been raised from the first batch of sales. Let’s help Bala Sport realise this!

Skipton Fairtrade will be giving two of the footballs as prizes in this year’s Fairtrade competition for schools and a Club Match ball to Skipton Ladies Football team to use in a friendly match at a special event in the summer
Buy online https://balasport.uk/
Posted on February 16th, 2025 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News
Throughout 2025 Hull will be marking it’s 20th year as a Fairtrade City. In 2025, in addition to our regular campaigns and events held to promote the Fairtrade message and ethos of social justice that fair, ethical and sustainable trade brings, there will be a couple of new initiatives to mark this 20 year milestone. To start the celebrations, for the first time, Hull will have Fairtrade City signs at a number of the boundary signs as people enter the city, and in the summer, one of the main city centre flower beds will designed as the Fairtrade logo.

Hull Fairtrade Partnership is looking forward getting out and about in the year ahead, and showing that, as our Fairtrade City banner says “ Hull has always had time to stand up for social justice”. For further information contact Sharon.clay@hullcc.gov.uk
Posted on February 2nd, 2025 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News