Aimeth tours Yorkshire
Aimeth Angulo, a Colombian producer of Fairtrade bananas, will be touring Yorkshire during Fairtrade Fortnight (24th February to 9th March) to tell of the difference Fairtrade has made to her life and to her community.
Aimeth will be visiting schools, universities and community groups during the tour. She will also be attending the following events which are open to all members of the public. Do come along and meet her.
The full line-up of Aimeth’s events is below – don’t forgot to check the events page for other events taking place across Yorkshire during Fairtrade Fortnight.
Hebden Bridge – Friday 28th February
Methodist Church, Market Street, Hebden Bridge
7pm for 7.30pm
Public meeting ‘Fair Trade: Fair Food?‘
Join us for an evening of discussion, films and with a presentation by Aimeth Angulo. The meeting will discuss Fairtrade and food justice, globally and locally. Everyone welcome. Free of charge. Refreshments available.
Organised by Calderdale WDM and Hebden Bridge Fairtrade Forum
Further information: 0781 659 5739 or
Good Food Advice in Bradford – Saturday 1st March
Oastler Shopping Centre, John Street, Bradford, BD1 3SR.
11am until 3pm
Call in at the Good Food Advice stall any time between 11am and 3pm to meet Aimeth. Use pedal power to make yourself a free Fairtrade banana smoothie and pick up a few banana recipe ideas from our chef who will be demonstrating delicious recipes. Lots of Fairtrade info available and a visit from the Lord Mayor at noon.
Bradford Cathedral Service – Sunday 2nd March
Bradford Cathedral
Fairtrade themed service. Fair Trade stalls to browse. Opportunity to meet our banana producer, Aimeth. Everyone welcome.
Sheffield – Monday 3rd March
The Winter Gardens
1.30pm to 3.30pm
Come and meet Aimeth, the banana farmer. Lots of Fairtrade info and “Foncho’s Fairground” games to play. Visit from the Lord Mayor of Sheffield.
Organised by SHIFT, Sheffield Fairtrade Group.
All About Bananas in Holmfirth – Wednesday 5th March
Holmfirth Methodist Church
7pm – 9pm
‘Fair and Funky’ present a Fairtrade Fortnight Event: ‘All about Bananas’ Speaker Evening.
Meet the people behind the banana supply chain, including Fairtrade banana producer, Aimeth. There will also be an ethical marketplace featuring a range of local businesses for relaxed Fairtrade shopping.
Tickets cost £4.50 and are available from and from Holme Valley Fairtrade Support Group members.
York – Saturday 8th March
St. Helen’s Square
2pm to 4pm
The ‘Go Bananas For Fair Trade’ stall.
Come and meet Colombian Fairtrade banana farmer Aimeth, sample banana-themed snacks, find out more about Fairtrade and how to campaign against the unfair banana.
York – Saturday 8th March
The Guildhall, St Helen’s Square
10th Anniversary Celebration of York’s Fairtrade City Status
An informal party to celebrate all things Fairtrade: Buffet, stalls, donations bar and live music. Come and meet Colombian banana farmer Ms Aimeth Alicia Fernandez Angulo. Donations welcome – please bring and share a savoury or sweet contribution to the finger buffet, thank you
No charge but you will need to book in advance to avoid disappointment. RSVP as soon as you can to helen at fairtradeyork dot com

The Producer Tour is financed by a grant from the European Union.
Banana Sunday in Cherry Burton (East Riding) – Sunday 9th March
St Michael’s Centre, Cherry Burton
2.30pm to 4.30pm
Come and hear Aimeth speak and have the chance to meet her. Fairtrade refreshments and stall.
Everyone welcome, but booking essential, please email Ros at rosstanley at cherryb dot karoo dot co dot uk. The event is free of charge. Free parking available.