
Watch all our videos on Fairtrade Yorkshire’s YouTube channel 

This video How Green Is Fairtrade from the Centre for Global Goals talks about the Sustainable Development Goals

How Green Is Fairtrade? from Griot Creative on Vimeo.


Our video featuring Fairtrade campaigners from around the country is a “found poem” comprising some of the thousands of comments we received on the petition to Keep KitKat Fairtrade

As part of our campaign to Keep KitKat Fairtrade the Ivorian fair Trade Network (RICE) has made this great video explaining why Fairtrade is so important to farmers.

It boils down to Democracy, Transparency and Participation

Our giant human mosaic in Hull’s Trinity Square on Saturday 5 October was part of the national campaign to celebrate 25 years of the Fairtrade mark. We think Yorkshire really made our mark with this.


Fairtrade Yorkshire Le Film

Yorkshire: big hills, big heart, big on Fairtrade

A peeloton of Yorkshire’s very own Fairtrade bananas rides the Haworth to Oxenhope section of the Yorkshire Grand Depart route of the Tour de France. Destination: Fairtrade Yorkshire.

The video was commissioned by the Bradford Fairtrade Zone for Fairtrade Yorkshire. Vive “Le commerce equitable”!!

(Special thanks to Rita Verity, Karen Palframan, Danny Hardaker, Liz Barker, John Sargent, Russell Brown, Simon Rawles photos, Fairtrade Foundation, and all the cycling bananas – you know who you are)!

“Yorkshire’s For Fairtrade”

Ilkley Moornotes sing a specially-composed version of “On Ilkley Moor Baht ‘aht” at the Fairtrade Yorkshire launch event in (where else?) Ilkley.

Recorded by John Thirlwell

“Fabulous Fairtrade Yorkshire”

Pupils from Ireland Wood Primary School celebrate Yorkshire’s status as the UK’s first Fairtrade Region.