20 years of Namaste
This year the Fair Trade wholesaler and retailer, Namaste are celebrating 20 years in business. On 17th July an event was held at the company’s Skipton head office and show rooms. Staff, customers, Fair Trade supporters and Namaste well-wishers were all invited. Guest of honour was the long-standing clothing supplier from Nepal, Jhaindra Ghimire. Jhaindra is from Sujha Traders and Exports and is a member of Fair Trade Group Nepal.
The Chief Executive of Child Rescue Nepal, Jo Bego also attended and gave a presentation on the work of the charity, which Namaste has supported for over 15 years. Child Rescue frees children from slavery. In Nepal there are 100,000 children who are working in extremely hazardous situations and suffer frequent physical and emotional abuse. The charity works with local police to free children from the workplaces where they are being held captive and then supports those children, where possible reuniting them with their families.
Rachel Brummitt, owner and a company director talked of the history of Namaste:
“Namaste, simply translated as ‘Welcome’ in Nepal, was the result of an inspirational year of travel to Nepal & India. The idea for the business developed through meeting people making crafts for a living. We still remember our first products arriving on the farm where we had our first barn warehouse, complete with chickens and wellies. Development from then on has been organic growth over the years.
Our philosophy is simple, fairly traded products which celebrate the very best of traditional handmade skills. We offer an extensive range including gifts, home accessories, furnishings, furniture, clothing & accessories, jewellery and incense, fairly traded from the far corners of the world.

Back row from left: Alan Hickman (Fairtrade Skipton), Rachel Brummitt, Marie Hickman (Fairtrade Skipton), Susan Radford (director), Jhaindra Ghimire and Jo Bego. Front: Sam and John Brummitt (directors).
We are a small company with a strong ethical policy based upon the belief that the best way to reduce poverty in the developing world is through trade. We have helped over 100 producers to grow and develop with us since we started trading 20 years ago. Namaste is recognised by BAFTS, the British Association of Fair Trade Shops and Suppliers as a Fair Trade importer.”
Following the presentations guests could browse the vast range of Namaste products and help the company celebrate by joining in the feast, which included Nepalese curries and a traditional Yorkshire high tea.
Namaste have a large showroom in Skipton or you can visit them online www.namaste-uk.com.