Fairtrade Yorkshire marks Le Grand Départ
Here’s a photo roundup of Fairtrade campaigners around the region at events along the route of the Tour de France.
- The ‘Worth the Tour’ letters spell it out! Photo by John Sargent.
- During filming for the Tour de Fairtrade Yorkshire film
- During filming for the Tour de Fairtrade Yorkshire film
- During filming for the Tour de Fairtrade Yorkshire film
- Fairtrade Penistone at the filming for the Tour de Fairtrade Yorkshire film
- During filming for the Tour de Fairtrade Yorkshire film. Photo by John Sargent
- York Fair Trade Forum run a stall at the Tour le Solar System event in York, July 6th
- York Fair Trade Forum campaigner John arriving in suitable style at the Naburn Station event
- Harrogate Fairtrade Campaign make bike-powered smoothies as Le Tour visits, July 5th.
- Harrogate Fairtrade Campaign make bike-powered smoothies as Le Tour visits, July 5th.
- Ripon welcomes Le Tour – this banner was mounted on a roof along the Tour route
- Janice Gwilliam of Fairtrade Malton and Norton (plus Fairtrade parasol) standing outside Fairer World in York on the morning of the Grand Depart.
Campaigners in Harrogate had a smoothie bike making Fairtrade fruit smoothies outside the Fairtrade shop (which is only a few metres from the finishing line day 1). The shop had an excellent stock of FT bike related items including things made out of bike chains. In York, the Fair Trade Forum supported the Tour le Solar System festival on the York – Selby cycle route.