Fairtrade Yorkshire’s ‘Take A Step’ Competition
Fairtrade Yorkshire’s 2012 schools competition is about the Fairtrade journey.
The aim: To show the journey of a Fairtrade product in a fun and interesting way.
- Watch the mini film example uploaded on LeedsDEC’s Facebook page www.facebook.com/LeedsDEC
Choose a Fairtrade product to research
- Find out about the people who grow/make it. What work do they do? How does selling Fairtrade goods benefit them and their communities? How do their lives differ from people who make goods not sold on fair trade terms?
- Find out about who else is involved in bringing us the product
- Decide how you are going to tell the story of the product: puppets telling the story? A story book read out by the product? An animation?
- Do your preparation (make props, draw your pictures etc) and practice (or not in the case of the Fairtrade Yorkshire rose example!)
Record your story and upload it to Youtube (no longer than 2 minutes please!)
Send the link to Hannah@leedsdec.org.uk by Friday March 16th. The best 5 will be chosen and uploaded onto www.fairtradeyorkshire.org.uk
There will be a week for you to vote for your favourite.
The winner(s) will be presented with a Fairtrade hamper and a Fairtrade Yorkshire schools certificate.
Want to know more? Watch the video!
Good luck!
Download the competition flyer (PDF).