Holme Valley Fairtrade are winners

We are absolutely delighted to announce that Holme Valley Fairtrade is the WINNER of THE BIG FAIRTRADE BREAKFAST CHAMPION CATEGORY in The annual Fairtrade Foundation campaigner awards.holmfirth  The group was crowned as victor because of their involvement in the launch of the Fairtrade All Party Parliamentary Group held at Westminster during Fairtrade Fortnight.  The APPG was set up by Holly Lynch MP (Halifax) and Jason McCartney MP (Colne Valley).  The panel were particularly impressed with the way the APPG opportunity brought Fairtrade to a wide audience, engaging everyone along the way with a fun and thoughtful approach.

Posted on September 26th, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Baildon scarecrows stand up for Fairtrade

“Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Fairtrade man
Bake me a cake as fair as you can”

‘Nursery rhymes’ was the theme for this year’s Baildon Scarecrow Walk with 70 scarecrows to be found around the town centre.  Baildon Fairtrade group designed and built one along with a huge ‘cake’ decorated with Divine chocolate wrappers.

The annual Scarecrow walk is organised by Baildon in Bloom. This years took place on a warm sunny September Saturday, with hundreds of people finding scarecrows in various locations around the town.

Families and children patted the enormous cake baked by the Fairtrade man and more than 330 children went away with Fairtrade stickers while adults joined them in trying delicious Fairtrade chocolate cake buns.  Interested young people and other supporters were offered information about how Fairtrade supports sustainable farming practices.  Many people say that they already buy Fairtrade products and yet the point still needs to be made that without this organisation these producers would not have a livelihood. “With farmers and workers, we can all share.”

Posted on September 14th, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire

Haworth and Keighley are the victors

Fairtrade Haworth and Fairtrade Keighley are the victors in the Fairtrade Foundation’s national campaigner awards.  Their ‘Fair Train’ event held on the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway scooped the prize for the most creative breakfast held during Fairtrade Fortnight.  Many congratulations to Rita Verity and all the organisers and helpers.FairTrain_Banana - Copy

For the event, the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway (the first Fairtrade steam railway in the world) served breakfast on the 11am steam train for the 10 mile round trip on Saturday 5th March.

Starting in Oxenhope, where Morris dancers welcomed the Lord Mayor of Bradford, Fairtrade supporters boarded the train along with musicians who entertained the passengers. Ryan the banana joined the train in Haworth and, on arrival in Keighley, the Keighley Fairtrade group handed out roses.

Most passengers were unaware that there would be a free breakfast and there was great feedback about the delicious products from many who knew little about Fairtrade.

Fairtrade Haworth and Fairtrade Keighley are very grateful to the companies who donated Fairtrade goods, including: Co-op, Divine Chocolate, Liberation Nuts, M&S, Sainsbury’s and Tropical Wholefoods.

Posted on August 1st, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Britain: Coming together?

Thoughts on post referendum Britain from Mark Dawson, Coordinator of Fairtrade Yorkshire and Mike Gidney, CEO of the Fairtrade Foundation.

Mark Dawson, Coordinator of Fairtrade Yorkshire:

Now that Britain has voted to leave the European Union we are being asked to rally together as a nation.  For those of us who support Fair Trade this means we must come together on an agenda of fairness and justice.

Ironically, at this time when we are being asked to affirm ‘British values’, the country is more divided than at any time in living memory.

There are dangers with coming together on agendas which do not promote justice.  Certainly some of the visions of Britain outlined in the national newspapers have little to do with justice.  Their vision of Britain is bordering on the pathetic, seeing our country only as a fearful, inward looking, hysterical place.

One agenda that we can all come together on is to back employment rights.  Those rights which were ensured by the European Union, can be agreed upon and advanced by all our political leaders.

Employment rights, such as the minimum wage, maternity rights, sick pay, holiday pay, rights for those on temporary contracts and the right to have access to an industrial tribunal, should be placed at the heart of the agenda for Britain; with the Westminster Parliament guaranteeing these hard fought benefits.

A Britain which cares for its own workers, which improves the conditions in which they work, is one from which we can seek to improve the working and living conditions of all people who produce the goods that we enjoy, wherever in the world they may be.

Mike Gidney, CEO of the Fairtrade Foundation:

The result of the European Union referendum won’t just affect the UK.

It will have a huge impact on the lives of the farmers and workers in developing countries who grow our food, too.

How that plays out – positive or negative – is in part down to all of us.

Put simply, as the UK begins to reshape its relationship with the EU, it will need to renegotiate how it trades with other countries, both in Europe and the rest of the world.

That could put farmers and workers in a vulnerable position.

Too often in the past, trade has been structured and regulated in a way that has given too much to those with power and wealth and too little to those who are powerless and poor.

Your support is needed now more than ever.

Fairtrade has shown that trade and business can be incredible forces for good, if the benefits are shared fairly. That way, everyone involved has the chance to earn a decent living, and protect their health, rights and the environment.

Over the coming months, and even years, we will need to work hard to ensure our politicians keep in mind the interests of poor farmers and workers as much as our own.

Together we will need to support them to get a fairer deal, so that they can send their children to school and invest in their futures, build strong communities and withstand the ravages of climate change.

I know that all of us who believe in a fair and just world can come together and fight harder than ever for exactly that.

As always, thank you for your support.

Michael Gidney

Chief Executive, Fairtrade Foundation

Posted on July 10th, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

A tragic loss

Fairtrade Yorkshire mourns the loss of Jo Cox, the MP for Batley and Spen who was killed on Thursday.  Our prayers are with her family.

Batley and Spen was the first Fairtrade Zone to be based on a Parliamentary Constituency and Rev Tina Walker of Fairtrade Batley and Spen has worked closely with Jo Cox on the promotion of Fair Trade in the constituency.

Jo Cox and Rev Tina Walker

Jo Cox and Rev Tina Walker

Here Tina shares here thoughts about Jo:

“Jo Cox tackled difficult issues with passion and conviction.

Jo met people warmly, listened to them, and left them feeling she considered them her friend. She was warm, witty, intelligent, inspiring. She worked very hard for the people in her Constituency here in Batley & Spen, she was well-regarded in Westminster.

She wholeheartedly supported Fairtrade.

I have clear memories of Jo running the Fairtrade Hook-a-Fish Game with us at Batley Festival: totally relaxed and at-home talking with the young children. Also of Jo seeing the Fairtrade stall at Wilton Park, and rushing over to greet us, affirming the work we were doing, and offering to help us, wanting to be part of it.

In February, Jo wrote to every primary school in Batley & Spen, inviting them to the Fairtrade Schools Conference taking place in Fairtrade Fortnight. The Conference took place at the Al-Hikmah Centre in Batley, and Jo presented Fairtrade Certificates and Fairtrade footballs to the 12 schools that took part. Jo invited questions from the schoolchildren and answered them honestly and encouragingly. Jo told the children that she had worked abroad and seen people’s lives over there, and wanted to change lives for the better.Jo roses

Jo was vitally enthusiastic about social justice. She was passionate about equality.”

Jo Cox was committed to international development and upholding human rights.  Before becoming an MP she had been a dedicated worker for Oxfam, helping to see their vision of a world without poverty transformed into policy.  She was passionately concerned about the plight of the people of Syria and worked to ensure that they were not disregarded.

Jo Cox had a vision for a strong Britain.  A Britain which is compassionate and willing to lend a helping hand. Fairtrade is just one of the causes that Jo supported in order that the people of Britain can contribute to the work towards global justice.  Jo’s vision was that Britain should not retreat into introspection but should play its part in the world; working for justice wherever it is needed.  She worked tirelessly for justice in Batley, in Westminster, in her work for Oxfam and called for Britain to play its part in Europe and across the world, helping to make this a fairer world.  Jo will be sadly missed.

Posted on June 18th, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Halifax: Agents of Change

Halifax Minster opened its doors to school children from 9 schools across Halifax on Friday 13th May, to celebrate World Fairtrade Day at a fairandfunky Fairtrade Conference for Schools.

The event is part of the campaign, spearheaded by Holly Lynch MP, to achieve Fairtrade Town status for Halifax; “The campaign to make Halifax a Fairtrade town includes our schools,” Holly Lynch MP explains, “the conference was a great way to start conversations with our young people about Fairtrade and how we can give a helping hand, through trade rather than aid, to some of the world’s most vulnerable people.”

Wedding Photography

Agents of change in Halifax Minster

Four different workshops invited delegates to ‘Stand up for farmers and be Agents of Change’ and students spent the day learning about Fairtrade and producers in Ghana, Columbia and Bolivia.

With Pockets Theatre students used dramatic performance to explore the affect of supermarket price wars on banana producers. Each child took part in short role-play provoking an emotional response to Fairtrade; discovering the power of the consumer.

In the fairandfunky workshop delegates were taken on a journey from bean to bar – discovering life as a cocoa farmer in Ghana and how important Fairtrade is to their community. Participants also learnt how to use ALL their senses to ‘taste’ delicious Divine Chocolate.

“I learnt that Fairtrade is very important and benefits farmers globally.” Charlotte

“I learnt that Fairtrade is good thing and that everyone can benefit, more people should be involved!” Matthew

With Liberation Nuts students learnt lots of interesting facts about nuts, the people who farm them, and discovered that Brazil nuts actually come from Bolivia!

In the Sea Pie Parcel workshop students learnt a specially written song for the conference: ‘Be An Agent For Change’ and composed their own pieces inspired by Fairtrade products. At the end of the day ALL students gathered to sing together in the beautiful setting of the Minster. To hear all compositions and the song please listen here:

The conference closed with certificate presentations from Holly Lynch MP who encouraged delegates to continue taking their own little steps to change the world with Fairtrade. And each student AND teacher left with a Fairtrade goody bag filled with treats from Divine Chocolate, Tropical Wholefoods, Liberation Nuts and smoothies from Natural Beverages Comapany – aiming to keep Fairtrade conversations going back at school and at home.

“An informative, enjoyable and interesting day, thank you!” Barkisland Primary School.

The conference also links local businesses with Fairtrade, welcoming Suma Wholefoods as a Conference Partner, “We strongly believe in Fairtrade at Suma and we’re keen to help spread the word so were delighted with the opportunity to support the fairandfunky conference and educate the young of Calderdale.” Nigel Kaye, Co-op member at Suma Wholefoods.


Posted on June 11th, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Choo Choose Fairtrade

Fairtrade Haworth this year teamed up with the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway (the first Fairtrade steam railway in the world) and served breakfast on the 11am steam train for the 10 mile round trip on Saturday 5th March.FairTrain_Banana - Copy

Starting in Oxenhope where Morris dancers welcomed the Lord Mayor of Bradford we boarded the train along with musicians who entertained the passengers. Ryan the banana joined us in Haworth and on arrival in Keighley their Fairtrade group handed out roses.

We are extremely grateful for donations of food from Sainsbury’s, M&S, Liberation nuts, Tropical Wholefoods and Divine but especially the Co-op and the local store manager who joined us with his two sons.

Most passengers were unaware that there would be a free breakfast and we had great feedback from many who knew little about Fairtrade.

Rita Verity, Fairtrade Haworth

Chair of the KWVR (Keighley and Worth Valley railway) Matthew Stroh, The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Joanna Dodds, Rita Verity and Rev Chris Upton from Haworth Fairtrade Group

Chair of the KWVR (Keighley and Worth Valley railway) Matthew Stroh,
The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Joanne Dodds,
Rita Verity and Rev Chris Upton from Haworth Fairtrade Group

Posted on April 4th, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Fairtrade Fortnight 2016

FT-Breakfast-14 - CopyFairtrade Fortnight ran from 29th February to 13th March and involved a lot of early mornings as the theme for this year was breakfast. The Fairtrade Foundation reminded us of the words of Martin Luther King; ‘before you finish eating breakfast in the morning, you’ve depended on more than half the world.’

SAM_6250 - CopyOver 500 events were held throughout Yorkshire to celebrate Fairtrade Fortnight.  The Fortnight in Yorkshire was officially launched in York with an al fresco breakfast held outside of St. Michael Le Belfrey Church, adjacent to York Minster.  The Lord Mayor of York attended alongside Fairtrade supporters from across Yorkshire.

The theme of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight focussed on issues of food security. Millions of farmers and workers who are feeding the world are themselves going hungry. Fairtrade means farmers and workers can fulfil a human right we can often take for granted –putting food on the table. FT-Breakfast-2

Posted on March 22nd, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Super Diocese votes for Fairtrade

The Church of England super Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales has voted to work to become a Fairtrade Diocese.

A vote was taken at the Diocesan Synod on March 12th.Diocese

Synod members enthusiastically supported a motion to work towards becoming a Fairtrade Diocese by writing to all churches asking them, where not already registered, to register as a Fairtrade Church.  A letter will also be sent to all Church of England schools asking them, if not already registered, to register as a Fairtrade school – and a Fairtrade steering group will be set up to steer the registration of the Diocese as a Fairtrade Diocese.

The motion was put by Ven Bev Mason, Archdeacon of Richmond and Craven, pictured left with Kay Brown, Chaplain of Abbey Grange School who talked about the way schools can imaginatively adopt Fairtrade status.

The vote follows a campaign by Fairtrade supporters including: Barbara Judd, Heather Grinton and Rev Tina Walker who have worked hard to raise the profile of Fairtrade across the Diocese. Rev Tina said that she was ‘absolutely delighted and thrilled’ by the result of the Synod vote.

Posted on March 22nd, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Fairtrade Holme Valley storms Parliament

Peter Beetlestone, of Fairtrade Holme Valley, shares with us his experience of ‘storming Parliament’ when bravely he ventures to the South of England and the Houses of Parliament in London:

On March 1st 12 members of Fairtrade Holme Valley and 12 pupils from Honley High School went to Parliament to help launch the APPG (All Party Parliamentary Group) for Fairtrade.HVFT in PARLIAMENT

Helen Robinson and Sophie Bebb, of Fairtrade Holme Valley, have supported Holly Lynch (Labour, MP for Halifax) and Jason McCartney (Conservative, MP for Colne Valley) to set up this parliamentary group whose aim is “to promote Fairtrade within Parliament; to deepen the relationship between local Fairtrade organisations and parliamentarians and to further raise awareness of the importance of Fairtrade.”

When we arrived we were treated to a mini tour of Parliament by Jason McCartney MP. We were given passes to hear the emergency debate on Syria from the Public Gallery, we went on the terrace with fantastic views of the Thames and the buildings along the waterfront, we met Boris Johnson and David Blunkett (I nearly fell over his dog on the stairs).

At the two hour launch in the Jubilee Room we were joined by 37 MPs, representatives from the Fairtrade Foundation (including Tim Aldred), representatives from the Co-operative Group (including Kerry Stower, the store Manager in Holmfirth) and many others.

Over a Big All Day Breakfast (the theme for this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight) there were short speeches from Holly and Jason, from Helen, from the Secretary of State for International Development, from Mike Gidney (Chief Executive of the Fairtrade Foundation), from Brad Hill (Fairtrade Strategy Manager for the Co-op) and most importantly from Patrick (a tea farmer from Kenya) and Julio (a banana farmer from Columbia).

The two farmers spoke very movingly about how Fairtrade had brought great benefits to their families and their communities. One of the pupils said afterwards “he made me want to cry.” They made us all realise how important it is to keep promoting Fairtrade – supporting people to work their way out of poverty.

Peter Beetlestone, Fairtrade Holme Valley

Posted on March 22nd, 2016 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News