Leeds Sikh temple wins national Fairtrade award

Beeston Gurdwara

Beeston Gurdwara

The Sikh temple Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha Leeds was presented with the ‘Best Outreach and Networking award’ by Fairtrade Foundation CEO, Michael Gidney, at the national Fairtrade Supporter Conference in London on 5th October.

The award recognises the achievements and creativity of Fairtrade campaigners and supporters during the first half of 2013, including the Fairtrade Fortnight campaign.

In Leeds, during Fairtrade Fortnight, members of GNNSJ-Leeds organised a number of events in which they showcased Fairtrade products and talked to the local community about Fairtrade.  They created their own material to highlight the links between the Fairtrade ethos and the Sikh faith and were involved in events such as: a national football tournament, a local lifestyle event and a wide range of activities at the Gurdwara.

Adam Gardner, competition judge and Communities Campaigns Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation said:

‘It’s a tough task picking winners from the vast amount of inspiring community action for Fairtrade across the UK. Each entry demonstrated the creativity, hard work and vision that epitomises the Fairtrade movement, and continues to bring about a better deal for more farmers and workers through selling their products as Fairtrade. 

The winners demonstrated these qualities in abundance, and we are looking forward already to see how they and other groups continue to build the movement for fairer trade in their communities in the coming year and beyond.’


Posted on November 4th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Leeds College goes to national Fairtrade conference

Notre DameOn the 5th of October, four students from Notre Dame Sixth Form College’s Fairtrade committee; Aneka, Rowanne, Katy and Hannah; travelled down to London to attend this year’s Fairtrade Supporters Conference.
This is an annual event which allows the students to join fellow Fairtrade campaigners and share ideas. There are also opportunities to hear from inspiring global speakers, meet like-minded people from around the UK, explore ideas for their campaign and find out what we will be campaigning for in 2014.

The day included introduction talks from the Heads of the Fairtrade Foundation, Kevin McCullough and Jonathan Smith, as well as contributions from Michael Gidney, the Chief Executive of the Fairtrade Foundation, James Mwai, Acting Executive director of Fairtrade Africa and Renwick Rose representing the Windward Islands Farmers Association.

In the afternoon there were a series of breakout sessions where students attended events focussing on the important issues for Fairtrade campaigns like how to use social media effectively and the importance of engaging local businesses.
Students also had the opportunity during the day to attend a creative workshop and to sample a range of Fairtrade products and network with suppliers.

The students all enjoyed the day and said that they had learned a lot about Fairtrade, in particular how it improves the lives of others and how to develop their own campaign within Notre Dame 6th Form College.
All four students have returned keen to share their experiences with other members of the Fairtrade group and to ensure that they have the best campaign strategy possible.

Posted on November 4th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

National Fairtrade Supporters Conference

Helen Robinson of Fair and Funky (a Fair Trade not for profit business based in Holmfirth) visited the national Fairtrade conference, all the way down in London.London conf

Pictured here are Karen Palframan of Fairtrade Bradford, Mike Gidney (CEO of the Fairtrade Foundation) and Sophie and Helen of Fair and Funky.

Read Helen’s fantastic blog about the event below:


Posted on October 30th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Pick Fairtrade

Fairtrade Pickering’s Annual General meeting, at the Memorial Hall, was well attended .  The annual report listed the many achievements of the group during the past year, including the successful One World Week event which will be repeated again this year.Oxford 004

Guest speakers were Fairtrade Yorkshire Coordinator, Mark Dawson, and Janice Gwilliam of Fairtrade Malton and Norton.  There were plenty of questions for the duo and the lively evening was rounded with Fairtrade refreshments and delicious cakes.

Mark Dawson stated; “it is great to see so much Fairtrade activity going on in Pickering.  It is important that we have a strong presence in our market towns and Fairtrade Pickering is a fine example of a friendly, active group that promotes our cause so effectively in a rural community.”Pickering

Posted on October 30th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Professor educates York activists

York AGM 13 2

Professor Bob Doherty at the York Fair Trade Forum AGM

Fair trade activists gathered at the Priory Street Centre, for the York Fair Trade Forum Annual General Meeting.

A full team of enthusiastic candidates was elected, to help run the group and its many activities that take place across the city.

Helen Harrison gave an annual report which highlighted the thriving nature of the group.

Guest speaker, Professor Bob Doherty, of the University of York Business school, praised the role of grassroots activists in the Fair Trade movement.

Read the rest of this entry »

Posted on October 30th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Otley All Saints wow the Fairtrade Foundation

18_10_13 067“The best presentation I have ever seen,” was the response from the Fairtrade Foundation’s Education Campaigns Manager, Kate Jones after watching a Leeds’ school present on how they became a Fairtrade School.

Six children from Otley All Saints school wowed Kate Jones with their visual and humorous presentation which gave lots of examples of the activities the children have been involved in to raise awareness of Fairtrade. The presentation was part of the Global Fairness School celebration at Leeds Civic Hall on October 18th, which was opened by Deputy Director of Children’s Services at Leeds City Council, Paul Brennan.

Mr Brennan used his speech to promote Leeds Child Friendly City initiative by drawing parallels between Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech to the struggle for all children to access their rights today.  Other workshops were delivered by theatre company Blah Blah Blah on freedom from slavery, Just Trading Scotland on the 90kg rice challenge, YMCA on Ugandan street children and Leeds DEC on ethical trade and modern day slavery. “I’ve got lots of ideas to do a Fair trade day at school” remarked one 9 year old participant.

Posted on October 20th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire

Skipton get set for status

SkiptonFairtrade Skipton are set to achieve their ambition of Fairtrade Town status.  Fairtrade Coordinator, Liz Roodhouse, attended the Skipton Town Council meeting this month and gave a presentation.  Following a discussion afterwards there was a unanimous vote and a resolution was passed in support of Fairtrade.  Fairtrade Skipton now have a council representative on their Steering group and are ready to begin the application for Skipton to join the ranks of proud Fairtrade Towns.

Posted on September 29th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Wakefield unfurl banner

Wakefield bannerCynthia Dickinson and the Fairtrade Wakefield group have produced this fantastic banner to promote Yorkshire’s status as a Fairtrade Region.  The banner will be taken to many Fairtrade events across Wakefield District.

The group are working towards Fairtrade status for Wakefield and they have received the backing of the Bishop of Wakefield and shadow cabinet member, Yvette Cooper.

Posted on August 9th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Fair makeover

Charlie Bridge of Fairer World in the new look shop

Charlie Bridge of Fairer World in the new look shop

Fairer World, the renowned Fair Trade shop at 84 Gillygate, in the centre of York, has a bright new look.  Following a refurb earlier in the year, the emporium is sporting a fresh, modern style worthy of a TV makeover.

Fairer World has York’s largest range of Fairtrade and fairly traded products including: food, beverages, crafts, gifts, jewellery, clothing and accessories.  Well worth a visit next time you’re in York.

Read more on Fairer World’s website, www.fairerworldyork.co.uk.

Posted on August 9th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News

Dales sheep wins yellow jersey

Alice with the leading sheep.

Alice with the leading sheep.

Skipton Girls High School are the proud owners of a ‘lost Fairtrade sheep’.  Skipton pupil, Alice, designed the sheep which now stands in the drama studio window, looking out on one of the main routes into Skipton.

The sheep is part of a Dales Tourism promotion for the Yorkshire Grand Depart, the first leg of the Tour de France race which comes to the county next year.  Our fine woolly friend sports the winning yellow jersey and is proud to display two Fairtrade logos.

Posted on August 9th, 2013 by Fairtrade Yorkshire News